Universal Family Benefit (UFB): The Foundations of our Future

By Marcelo Maciel Amaral, in collaboration with GPT-4.

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Universal Family Benefit (UFB): Foundations of our Future
Image generated by Midjourney

I’ve always faced challenges with communication. The journey from internal thoughts to clear written expression has often felt like a mountainous trek. Now, with the advent of powerful LLMs like GPT-4, I feel as though I’ve found a guiding beacon, helping me convert these inner musings into a coherent written form. This renewed vigor is what brings me to you today, sharing my unique perspectives on subjects that resonate deeply with me, especially the emerging concept of the Universal Family Benefit (UFB).

In today’s technologically-driven world, conversations around Universal Basic Income (UBI) dominate the socio-economic discourse. While I’m no expert, I’ve keenly followed discussions on the topic. For example, OpenAI’s Sam Altman is defending this cause, envisioning a future where automation might render many jobless. The advocacy for UBI seeks to safeguard everyone’s fundamental financial needs. Yet, I feel as pivotal as this dialogue is for our shared future, another pressing matter tends to fade into the background: financing child care.

Recently on X, formerly known as Twitter, I came across a sentiment echoed by Elon Musk: “Having children is saving the world.” This is accurate; it transcends mere procreation and delves into the essence of nurturing, underscoring the commitment to raising children in environments abundant with love, care, and encouragement. This dilemma is one I’m intimately familiar with.

I relocated from the expansive family networks in Brazil. Living and working closely with my immediate family abroad, I became acutely aware of the challenges many face. While digital services are efficient, they often fall short in delivering the genuine trust intrinsic to personal, love-centric bonds. Traditional daycare solutions, vital as they are, come with hefty price tags. This, paired with the reality that numerous individuals receive wages that barely meet daily necessities, exacerbates the situation. The financial strain linked to child care becomes an immense obstacle, rendering aspirations of cultivating a loving ambience for our young ones increasingly challenging. While the challenges are evident, I believe there’s a path forward—one that not only addresses the financial strain but also reimagines how we prioritize and nurture our next generation.

A New Paradigm: The Universal Family Benefit (UFB)

Yet, the need for love-based child care is not just a personal sentiment; it’s a global necessity. Drawing from the philosophy that the foundational unit of society is not the individual but the family, we introduce the concept of Universal Family Benefit (UFB). Here, the term “family” is not confined to the traditional nuclear setup. It represents a functional network centered on love-based care for children, extending to the extended family and supportive networks.

Children aren’t mere products of their immediate caregivers. They are reflections of their community, their village. This African wisdom, “It takes a village to raise a child,” captures the essence of collective upbringing. When a child feels unsupported or neglected, the ripples are felt throughout society. And as the proverb warns, “The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.” The implications are clear: the health of society is directly proportional to how we care for its youngest members.

Why UFB before UBI?

When parents and guardians are continuously stressed about the financial aspect of child care, it detracts from the essential focus: providing love, care, and holistic nurturing. The urgency for a Universal Family Benefit is further underscored by rising mental health concerns globally. For instance, escalating suicide rates in countries like the US and Brazil highlight the pressing need for strengthened familial networks. Studies and general understanding consistently highlight that young adults who perceive strong familial and social support report fewer mental health problems. Such networks act as bulwarks against emotional and mental challenges, offering stability during turbulent times.

In our rapidly evolving digital age, families continue to serve as the foundational units of our societies. They nurture, teach, and transmit the values we hold dear. While individuals are invaluable, society’s strength and resilience lie in the bonds of family. By prioritizing family benefits through UFB, we ensure that our society remains cohesive and robust. When families thrive, societies thrive.

Moreover, with advancements in technology, particularly AI, leaders like Sam Altman are optimistic about AI’s potential in wealth distribution. The proposition that AI could, in a decade, generate enough wealth to grant every US adult with annual financial stability is groundbreaking. But what’s even more transformative is channeling part of this potential wealth into strengthening family units right now.

UBI focuses on ensuring everyone has basic financial stability, irrespective of their job status or wealth. It’s undoubtedly a step in the right direction. However, UFB aims at a more foundational level. By investing in families and ensuring every child has the care, love, and support they need, we’re not just stabilizing individual lives but safeguarding the future of society.

Models of UFB?

The UFB could draw inspiration from child benefit programs in countries like Canada or the UK, aiming to make them universal without restrictions. In this model, families get stipends according to the number of children and income, ensuring that those in greater need receive ample support. To ensure holistic child development, the UFB might have criteria like school enrollment, health check-ups, or community service participation. A dedicated digital platform could streamline registration, verification, and disbursement, also providing resources on child-rearing, educational support, and mental health. Profits from tech companies benefiting from automation can be redirected into this UFB program. This creates a symbiotic relationship where technological progress directly aids the generations it might affect the most. Unlike UBI, which offers a flat rate to individuals, UFB provides more to families with multiple children. Investments in children, like their education and health, often return to the local economy, resulting in a compounded economic benefit.

Holistic Daycares: Centers of Love, Learning, and Community Integrationg

Visualize daycares not merely as babysitting hubs, but as sanctuaries cultivating young minds and fostering a deep bond between families and communities. Grounded in holistic principles, these centers prioritize:

  • Emotional Growth: Through curriculums that foster empathy, emotional expression, and inter-familial understanding.
  • Physical Wellness: Incorporating diverse activities like yoga and dance, promoting overall health while emphasizing the value of communal activities.
  • Mental Development: Using storytelling and arts to ignite curiosity, learning, and an understanding of one’s place in the larger community.

Such centers act as bridges, seamlessly connecting families and communities, emphasizing that child-rearing is a shared responsibility. It underscores the idea that every member of the community has a role to play in nurturing the next generation.

Such quality care is paramount in the formative years (0-5) as they mold children’s cognitive and emotional capabilities. But maintaining a low child-to-caregiver ratio, which is essential for personalized care, comes at a price.

Addressing this involves:

  • Compensating Educators: Ensuring caregivers are fairly paid, which not only attracts and retains talent but also emphasizes the value the community places on child-rearing.
  • Quality Infrastructure: Offering contemporary learning tools, safe environments, and continuous educator training, all geared towards creating an environment conducive to the growth of children and the community.
  • Universal Access: Through subsidies, ensuring all families, irrespective of their socio-economic background, can afford quality care, thus fostering an inclusive community spirit.

By redirecting AI-profits towards these love-driven daycares, we’re making a societal investment. We’re transforming potential automation setbacks into opportunities for societal advancement. Our future lies not in algorithms but in nurturing the immense potential of our youngest and reinforcing the bonds of our communities. The key lies in prioritizing and financing this endeavor, ensuring that every child, family, and community thrives.


While UBI discussions are pivotal in shaping an inclusive future, the need of the hour is introducing and financing a Universal Family Benefit. As Musk reiterates the importance of childbirth in saving the world, it’s imperative that these children are well taken care of. By ensuring that each child is nurtured in a love-based environment, we’re not only securing their future but also paving the way for a healthier, more cohesive society. Indeed, the revolution starts at home, in the very heart of the family.

If there’s a specific concept mentioned in this post that you’d like me to delve deeper into, or if you have ideas about models for UFB, please feel free to let me know. You can send me a message, or leave a comment on LinkedIn or Platform X. I’m open to preparing a future post based on your interests and questions.
